Take Advantage of EBP Resources in the EBP HQ
Join the EBP HQ!
EBP HQ is our premiere, one-stop resource for all things EBP. We're dedicated to helping you integrate evidence-based practice into your organization. For only $150/year you will gain access to an incredible set of EBP tools, including:
· EBP Toolkit Application
· EBP Implementation and Sustainability Toolkit
· PICOT Templates
· Rapid Critical Appraisal (RCA) Tools
· EBP Dissemination Guide
· EBSCO Search Resources
· PICOT Helpdesk
· Networking Opportunities with Other EBP Practitioners
· Research/EBP Project Collaboration Opportunities
· Discounts on Programs and Merchandise
· and more!
If you attend a Fuld National Institute for EBP Immersion , you receive complimentary access to the EBP HQ for six months after your immersion. You also receive additional HQ resources as an immersion attendee including:
· Immersion Reconnect Webinars
· Access to courses on Moodle
· PICOT Networking Hub
· and more!
Learn more
Last Call to Become a Postdoctoral Fellow or Apply for EBP Funding!
Postdoctoral Fellowship for DNPs
Apply to be part of our next cohort!
The goal of this one-year, mentored fellowship is to create premier Doctors of Nursing Practice experts in practice and academia who will accelerate the translation of evidence into practice and leverage the synergies between EBP, research and quality improvement to advance healthcare delivery and/or population health outcomes in real world settings. Mentorship will be provided by internationally recognized experts from the Fuld National Institute for EBP.
To achieve this goal, the fellowship will focus on:
· Developing advanced knowledge, skills, expertise and experience in evidence-based practice (EBP), evidence-based quality improvement (EBQI), implementation science and strategies, systems leadership, innovation and navigation of change in complex systems.
· Creating organizational cultures that sustain EBP in order to add value, enhance return on investment (ROI)/value of investment (VOI) and positively impact outcomes.
· Gaining exposure to high-visibility experiences in order to start building recognition as an EBP expert.
· Disseminating some...
Transform the future of health at the 2023 EBP National Summit!
Join us May 24-26, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio, for the fourth biennial EBP National Summit presented by the Fuld National Institute for EBP . Last call to save by registering before early bird rates close on March 3!
This event provides interdisciplinary healthcare professionals including leaders, clinicians, decision makers, academicians and researchers with the latest industry trends and topics guiding the highest level of practice to improve healthcare quality, safety, equity, policy, patient outcomes, costs and clinician well-being.
Postdoctoral Fellowship for DNPs
Apply to be part of our next cohort!
"This [DNP Postdoc Fellowship] has been one of the highlights of my nursing career! The fellowship has meant so much to my professional development. The content, faculty, and my cohort have had a lasting impression on me. Apply to this fellowship to push yourself outside your comfort zone and watch yourself flourish!"
--Cory Ramsey, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
2022-2023 DNP Postdoctoral Fellowship Cohort
Associate Director for Patient Care Services and Chief Nurse Executive
Veterans Affairs Long Beach Healthcare System
The goal of this one-year, mentored fellowship is to create premier Doctors of Nursing Practice experts in practice and academia who will accelerate the translation of evidence into practice and leverage the synergies between EBP, research and quality improvement to advance healthcare delivery and/or population health outcomes in real world settings. Mentorship will be provided by internationally recognized experts from the Fuld National Institute for EBP.
To achieve this goal,...
S timulate and advance EBP at your organization!
We offer two opportunities to receive funding to stimulate and advance evidence-based practice (EBP) or implementation science in nursing and healthcare across the United States. More information about the two categories, evidence-based quality improvement and research, is found below.
Awardees will receive free conference registration and be asked to present at the 2025 EBP National Summit hosted by the Fuld National Institute for EBP.
Category 1:
· Proposals focused on the application of evidence to improve healthcare practice quality and safety using the evidence-based practice process
· Requires a DNP-prepared nurse or a student currently pursuing a DNP to lead an inter-professional team initiative
· Must include at least one team member from another healthcare discipline
· Up to four proposals will be selected for funding of up to $2,500 each
Category 2:
Transform the future of health at the 2023 EBP National Summit!
Join us May 24-26, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio, for the fourth biennial EBP National Summit presented by the Fuld National Institute for EBP . Be sure to save by taking advantage of our early bird rates available now through March 3.
This event provides interdisciplinary healthcare professionals including leaders, clinicians, decision makers, academicians and researchers with the latest industry trends and topics guiding the highest level of practice to improve healthcare quality, safety, equity, policy, patient outcomes, costs and clinician well-being.
Register for the summit today for the discounted rate of $495 or $150 for enrolled students. Be sure to take advantage of our half-day preconference workshops to take a deeper dive into EBP for $95 each . Visit our website to learn more about the summit, preconference sessions, pricing and more. After registering, share your excitement using #FuldSummit on social media!
Improve your Implementation Knowledge or Take a Deep Dive into EBP
Take advantage of our February programs
Overcoming Barriers to Implementing and Sustaining EBP
A Program to Apply Evidence-based Strategies that Work!
Join EBP experts virtually on Wednesday, February 15, from 12:30-5 p.m. EST as we explore a systematic approach and hands on application for implementation of evidence-based practice in clinical settings. Attendees are encouraged to bring specific evidence-based initiatives for application of content to current clinical situations and individual consultations.
Topics include:
· An introduction to the field of implementation science
· Implementation science strategies and application for EBP in healthcare settings
· Evaluation and sustainability
· Dissemination and recognition
This program offers nursing continuing education contact hours. Visit our website to learn more about the program, registration, pricing and group discounts.
Learn more
Help your Organization Transform the Future of Health through Evidence-based Practice!
A deep dive experience for clinicians, leaders and educators
It's easy...
Self-Paced Continuing Education Opportunities
Kickstart 2023 by taking advantage of our CE opportunities!
Earn nursing continuing education by completing one or multiple of the Fuld National Institute for EBP's programs. Click each opportunity below to learn more and register!
Online Self-Paced Workshops:
· An Introduction to Evidence-based Practice
· Overcoming Barriers to Implementing and Sustaining EBP in Clinical Settings
· Introduction to Implementation Science Study Designs and Methods for Clinical Investigations
Only have one hour? Check out our quick and affordable webinars for additional CE options!
Leading Evidence-based Practice
Our gift to you: Use discount code EBPHOLIDAY-2022 to save $250 at registration!
Join renowned experts from the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for EBP in Nursing and Healthcare for an opportunity to obtain a deeper understanding into your organizational culture and how to implement and sustain positive culture changes throughout your organization regardless of size. From C-Suite to direct care managers, this is an enterprise-wide leadership program to cross all disciplines and levels of managers, charge nurses, supervisors and directors.
This workshop takes place online via Zoom or in-person at the Fuld National Institute for EBP in the new Heminger Hall on December 19-20, 2022. Visit the Fuld National Institute for EBP to learn more about the program, continuing education, pricing and group discounts.
Take a Deep Dive into Evidence-based Practice with the Fuld National Institute for EBP
Elevate your practice and be part of the mission to transform healthcare. It's possible to make evidence-based practice a reality at your organization after completing an immersion program. This five day deep-dive workshop teaches participants the step-by-step process and effective strategies for implementing EBP in clinical or academic organizations of any size or level of complexity. Join internationally renowned experts from the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for EBP in Nursing and Healthcare in the College of Nursing to develop an action plan for implementing and sustaining EBP changes and transforming your organizational culture. This immersion takes place virtually December 12-16, 2022. Visit the Fuld National Institute for EBP to register and take advantage of our academic, leadership or mentor tracks to further your expertise.
Register for Overcoming Barriers to Implementing and Sustaining EBP in Clinical Settings
Join experts at the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare virtually on Wednesday, December 7 from 12:30-5 p.m. EST for an intensive workshop to apply evidence-based practice strategies that work! In the workshop we will explore a systematic approach and hands on application for implementation of EBP in clinical settings. Attendees are encouraged to bring specific evidence-based initiatives for application of content to current clinical scenarios and individual consultation. This program offers continuing nursing education contact hours. For pricing, registration, contact hours and other information, please visit our website .