Fuld Institute for EBP online CE and immersion options
We realize that fitting in continuing education may be more challenging now… so why not earn CEs on valuable content at your own pace online? The Fuld Institute for EBP has created new programs and updated several others with current content in a virtual setting. These programs are led by our staff and have been adapted to an online format with the same standards of excellence that you've come to expect from us here at the Fuld Institute for EBP. *New* Virtual Immersion A five-day deep dive into evidence-based practice to start the journey of making EBP a reality at your organization 40 contact hours of continuing education for nurses (same as our in-person immersion) Front lines gratitude special pricing for August virtual immersionsLearn more Online Modular EBP Program
15 newly updated modules that cover the basics from an introduction to EBP to implementing and evaluating a successful initiative 20.01 contact hours for nurses Learn more Online Implementation Strategies Program Learn how to get beyond barriers to establish an EBP initiative at...Fuld Institute for EBP awards 2020 funding
The Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Nursing and Healthcare funded five awards in 2020. The funding was awarded for one research study to Daiwai Olson, PhD, RN, CCRN, FNCS of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; and four EBP initiatives to Donna Bond, DNP, RN-CNS from Carilion Clinic in Virginia; Lisa Jasin, NNP of Dayton Children’s Hospital in Ohio; Gail Sprigler, DNP, RN of Robley Rex Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Kentucky; and Jamie Vano, AGNP-C, NP of Atrium Health in North Carolina. Olson of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center was awarded funding for his research study titled Ex-Vivo Models of Longitudinal External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Management to Explore Intracranial Dynamics. The EVOLVED study will create a non-living model to study the dynamic variables associated with intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. This project is based on the nursing Cue-Response Theory in which the timing of nursing interventions is equally important to the performance of nursing interventions. “After two-decades of studying intracranial pressure monitoring in humans, this [funding] from the...
EBP-C Discounts Extended To July 31st
We are extending our Year of the Nurse and Nursing Week discount on our EBP Certificate program for all current nurses. You can now get the reduced price until the end of July. Find more information and sign up at https://fuld.nursing.osu.edu/ebp-certificate-added-qualification
Help Inform Future Fuld Institute for EBP Options
The Fuld Institute for EBP is continuously building programs and resources to help individuals and organizations. We would appreciate your feedback about what current issues and topics are most important to you. Please complete our brief 6-question survey and help us plan what future offerings we create.
Take Survey
Overcome Barriers to Implement and Sustain EBP Modular Program
Join our EBP experts as we explore a systematic approach and hands on application for implementation of evidence-based practice in clinical settings. This program will offer 6.14 contact hours of continuing nursing education.
Attendees are encouraged to bring specific evidence-based initiatives for application of content to current clinical scenarios and individual consultation.
Student DiscountThe registration cost for the workshop is $200 but a student rate of $150 is available for qualifying students. Please contact Casey Jacobs at jacobs.624@osu.edu for information on the student rate.
Find more information and register on our Overcome Barriers to Implement and Sustain EBP Modular Program page.
Fuld Institute for EBP Grant Proposal Notification Date Changed to April 30, 2020
The Helene Fuld Heath Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Nursing and Healthcare at The Ohio State University College of Nursing grant funding opportunity to stimulate and advance EBP and implementation science in nursing and healthcare across the United States has a small update to our notification date.
The original notification date of April 10th has been moved to April 30th to accommodate shifting work schedules due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find full information on the Fuld Grant Opportunities page at https://fuld.nursing.osu.edu/grant-opportunities.
COVID-19 resources for anxiety from Bernadette Melnyk - OSU Chief Wellness Officer
Hello Everyone, I know it is a challenging and stressful situation for everyone right now. As we continue to learn, understand and develop strategies to ensure optimal health and well-being for our community, you may be feeling anxious and stressed about the COVID-19 outbreak. Please know that you are not alone – members of the community, parents and students are experiencing higher than normal stress and anxiety levels right now. I have developed several anxiety-reducing strategies to use when talking to your children about COVID-19 and evidence-based strategies to help manage and prevent the spread of this infectious disease. Use the links below to read more about these strategies. Best wishes and stay well! Warm and well regards, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, EBP-C, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN Vice President for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer Dean and Professor, College of Nursing Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, College of Medicine Executive Director, Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare The Ohio State University See COVID-19 Resource Repository
Fuld Institute for EBP's own Donal O'Mathuna elected to Cochrane US Network Executive Committee
We are pleased to announce that the Fuld Institute for EBP's own Donal O'Mathuna has been elected to Cochrane US Network Executive Committee.
Donal will help guide the Cochrane US Network in setting up permanent governance policies and structures to aid them in their goal of advocating for evidence and evidence informed health decision-making.
Fuld Institute for EBP Grant Proposals now open
The Helene Fuld Heath Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Nursing and Healthcare at The Ohio State University College of Nursing is pleased to announce a small grant funding opportunity to stimulate and advance EBP and implementation science in nursing and healthcare across the United States.
There are two categories - one focused on application of evidence to improve practice quality and safety using the evidence-based practice (EBP) process and the second being to stimulate science related to EBP and implementation of evidence into practice. Visit our grant proposals page for more detailed information and to apply before the February 15th, 2020 deadline.
Fuld Institute for EBP 2019 Summit coverage by Med Page Today
The 2019 Fuld Institute for EBP National Summit was full of many great conversations and many great presentations. If you would like to revisit some of those moments, check out our social media and photos page here: https://fuld.nursing.osu.edu/fuld-summit-2019-social-and-photos.
Med Page Today covered the "Late Breaking Evidence on Nurse Suicide" presentation by Judy Davidson, DNP, RN, MCCM, FAAN, Nurse Scientist of UC San Diego Health. You can find their coverage and read more about her talk in the Med Page Today article here: