The PRO-RES Project: PROmoting Ethics and Integrity in all Non-Medical RESearch - from Ideas to Outcomes
WHEN: Wednesday, July 28 1-2 p.m.
The Fuld Institute for EBP is excited to invite you to register for a webinar event explaining the Guidance Framework produced by PRO-RES, a European Commission funded project. This framework will be of benefit to the full range of stakeholders who have an interest in producing evidence that can influence policymakers in their decision making. Thus, for example, researchers and healthcare professionals can see how best to marshal their evidence-gathering to ensure evidence is ethically generated and shared. At the same time, researchers can be better placed to assess the kinds of evidence used by policymakers - gaining assurance that the evidence has been sourced with integrity and holding policymakers accountable if not.
This webinar will be led by Dr. Ron Iphofen, FAcSS. He is an Independent Research Consultant, a Fellow of the United Kingdom's Academy of Social Sciences, the Higher Education Academy and the Royal Society of Medicine. Since retiring as Director of Postgraduate Studies in Health Sciences at Bangor University, his major activity has been as an adviser to several agencies within the European Commission for both the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon 2020, and a range of governmental and independent research institutions internationally such as in France for the French National Research Agency (ANR); in Canada for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC); and in Ireland for the National Disability Authority (NDA) of the Ministry of Justice. He was Vice Chair of the UK Social Research Association and convenes their Research Ethics Forum. He has advised the UK Research Integrity Office and the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology among many others. He has advised on several major European Commission projects including the RESPECT project (on pan-European standards in the social sciences) and SECUR-ED (on passenger transport security).
He currently leads a three year European Union-funded project influencing policy on research ethics and scientific integrity across all non-medical sciences: the PRO-RES Project. Iphofen founded the gerontology journal Quality in Ageing and Older Adults; his books include: Ethical Decision Making in Social Research: A Practical Guide, Palgrave Macmillan (2009/2011); the book series Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity Emerald (2017); he co-edited with Martin Tolich the SAGE Handbook of Ethics in Qualitative Research (2018) and edited the SPRINGER Nature Handbook of Scientific Research and Integrity (2020).