No Safe Amount of Alcohol during Pregnancy and Lactation
There is no safe amount of alcohol at any time during pregnancy and lactation (AWHONN Position Statement, 2023). Ten percent of women report drinking alcohol during pregnancy (Popova, Dozet, Laboni et al., 2021). Newborns exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding may develop Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This is a continuum of disorders that range from mild to severe disabilities and challenges (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2021; CDC, 2023). FASD includes learning disabilities, attention disorders, self-regulation challenges, difficulty with social skills and behaviors, and premature death (CDC, 2023). The effects of FASD are lifelong and may impact the individual's ability to live and function independently (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2021; CDC, 2023; AWHONN Position Statement, 2023).
Women of childbearing age, their partners, and their families must be educated and counseled on the effects of alcohol exposure pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Universal screening for all pregnant patients will assist in identifying those women who are consuming alcohol and providing them with resources and support to stop drinking (AWHONN Position Statement, 2023; Dozet et al., 2021). AWHONN (2023) encourages a public health education campaign to increase understanding of zero alcohol consumption during preconception, antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods.
Cindy Beckett, PhD, RNC-OB, LCCE, LSS-BB, CHRC, EBP-C
EBP Credentialing Programs Director, Fuld National Institute for EBP
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2021). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder assessment.
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nursing. (2023). AWHONN Position Statement: Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing. May, 1-3.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Alcohol use during pregnancy.
Dozet, D., Burd, L., & Popova, S. (2021). Screening for alcohol use in pregnancy: A review of current practices and perspectives. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 22, 1220–1239.
Popova, S., Dozet, D., Laboni, S. A., Brower, K., & Temple, V. (2021). Why do women consume alcohol during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, 759–777.