Differences Between Magnet and Non-Magnet-Designated Hospitals in Nurses' Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge, Competencies, Mentoring, and Culture
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American Association of Neuroscience Nurses Evidence Based Review: Nursing Care of Adults with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
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Community engagement and building trust to resolve ethical challenges during humanitarian crises: experience from the CAGED study.
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One Team's Experience with Integrating Flexible Visitation in the Medical Intensive Care Unit.
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EBP 2.0: Implementing and Sustaining Change: The Malnutrition Readmission Prevention Protocol
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Promoting Nurse Retention Through Career Development Planning
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EBP 2.0: From Strategy to Implementation
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Practicing Healthcare Professionals’ Evidence‐Based Practice Competencies: An Overview of Systematic Reviews
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The First U.S. Study on Nurses' Evidence-Based Practice Competencies Indicates Major Deficits That Threaten Healthcare Quality, Safety, and Patient Outcomes
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Impact of intensive leadership training on nurse manager satisfaction and perceived importance of competencies.
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