Cochrane Task Exchange experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Borges do Nascimento, I.J.; Zakarija-Grkovic, I.; Poklepovic, T.; O’Mathúna, D.P.; Marcolino, M.S. (2020). Cochrane Task Exchange experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic. [Abstract]. Advances in Evidence Synthesis: Special Issue. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9 Suppl 1, 422,
Impact of a Formal Educational Skills Building Program to Enhance Evidence-Based Practice Competency in Nurse Teams
Gorsuch, C. R. P. F., Gallagher Ford, L., Koshy Thomas, B., Melnyk, B. M., & Connor, L. (2020). Impact of a Formal Educational Skill-Building Program Based on the ARCC Model to Enhance Evidence-Based Practice Competency in Nurse Teams. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 17(4), 258–268.
Editorial Publishing Guidelines for EBP Initiatives
Dean, J., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Connor, L. (2020). Editorial Publishing Guidelines for EBP Initiatives. Worldviews in Evidence-based Nursing in press
Cultivating evidence-based practice through mentorship
Schuler, E., Paul, E., Connor, L., Doherty, D., & DeGrazia, M. (2020). Cultivating evidence-based practice through mentorship. Applied Nursing Research, 55.
Mechanical ventilation in patients with acute brain injury: recommendations of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine consensus.
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Using Radiofrequency Technology to Prevent Retained Sponges and Improve Patient Outcomes.
Primiano, M., Sparks, D., Murphy, J., Glaser, K., & McNett, M. (2020). Using Radiofrequency Technology to Prevent Retained Sponges and Improve Patient Outcomes. AORN journal, 112(4), 345–352.
Cochrane Review Summaries-October 2020
O'Mathuna, D., Berghella, V., Bellussi, F., Kumar, N., & Haas, D. M. (2020). Cochrane Review Summaries-October 2020. Obstetrics and gynecology, 136(4), 844–846.
A scoping review of implementation science in adult critical care settings.
McNett, M., O'Mathúna, D., Tucker, S., Roberts, H., Mion, L. C., & Balas, M. C. (2020). A Scoping Review of Implementation Science in Adult Critical Care Settings. Critical care explorations, 2(12), e0301.
Transforming Healthcare to Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Failure of Leadership.
Gallagher-Ford, L., & Connor, L. (2020). Transforming Healthcare to Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Failure of Leadership. The Journal of nursing administration, 50(5), 248–250.
EBP 2.0: Implementing and Sustaining Change: The Evidence-Based Practice and Research Fellowship Program
Tucker, S. J., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Jang, E. (2020). EBP 2.0: Implementing and Sustaining Change: The Evidence-Based Practice and Research Fellowship Program. The American journal of nursing, 120(2), 44–48.