
A Pancreatic Enzyme Medication Self-Management Initiative. EBP 2.0 Implementing and Sustaining Change Series.

Gallagher-Ford, L., Tucker, S. J., Gettis, M., & Dye, B. A. (2020). A Pancreatic Enzyme Medication Self-Management Initiative. American Journal of Nursing, EBP 2.0 Implementing and Sustaining Change Series.120(5), 58-62.

Transforming Healthcare to Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Failure of Leadership.

Gallagher-Ford L, Connor L. Transforming Healthcare to Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Failure of Leadership. Journal of Nursing Adminstration. 2020;50(5):248-250.

The electronic health record: A friend or foe of translational research and evidence-based practice?

Chipps E, Tucker S, Gallagher-Ford L, Melnyk BM. The Electronic Health Record: A Friend or Foe of Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice?. Worldviews Evidence Based Nursing. 2019;16(4):252-254.

Routine Radiofrequency Wand Implementation in the Operating Room: Effects on Retained Sponges, Patient Outcomes, and Hospital Costs. (In press)

Primiano, M., Sparks, D., Glaser, D., Murphy, J., McNett, M.* (In press, 2020).  Routine Radiofrequency Wand Implementation in the Operating Room: Effects on Retained Sponges, Patient Outcomes, and Hospital Costs.  AORN Journal.

Impact of a Formal Educational Skills Building Program to Enhance Evidence-based Practice Competency in Nurse Teams.

Gorsuch, P. F., Gallagher-Ford, L., Thomas, B., Connor, L., & Melnyk, B. M. (In press). Impact of a Formal Educational Skills Building Program to Enhance Evidence-based Practice Competency in Nurse Teams. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing.

Development of the Nursing Quality Improvement in Practice Tool: Advancing Frontline Nursing Practice.

Tschannen, D., Alexander, C., Tovar, E. G., Ghosh, B., Zellefrow, C., & Milner, K. A. (2020). Development of the Nursing Quality Improvement in Practice Tool: Advancing Frontline Nursing Practice. Journal of nursing care quality. Advance online publication. 

Evidence-Based Healthcare is a Team Sport: Tools for the Win

Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., & Tucker, S. (In press). Evidence-Based Healthcare is a Team Sport: Tools for the Win. Invited editorial for Nursing Management.

Sustaining flexible visitation in the adult medical intensive care unit.

Winkelman, C., Zangmeister, J., Kerber, K., McNett, M.* (2020).  Sustaining flexible visitation in the adult medical intensive care unit.  Nursing Clinics of North America, 32, 253-264.

Clinical, laboratory and radiological characteristics and outcomes of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection in humans: A systematic review and series of meta-analyses

Borges do Nascimento, I. J., von Groote, T. C., O'Mathúna, D. P., Abdulazeem, H. M., Henderson, C., Jayarajah, U., Weerasekara, I., Poklepovic Pericic, T., Klapproth, H., Puljak, L., Cacic, N., Zakarija-Grkovic, I., Guimarães, S., Atallah, A. N., Bragazzi, N. L., Marcolino, M. S., Marusic, A., Jeroncic, A., & International Task Force Network of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (InterNetCOVID-19) (2020). Clinical, laboratory and radiological characteristics and outcomes of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection in humans: A systematic review and series of meta-analyses. PloS one, 15(9), e0239235.

Cochrane Task Exchange experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Borges do Nascimento, I.J.; Zakarija-Grkovic, I.; Poklepovic, T.; O’Mathúna, D.P.; Marcolino, M.S. (2020). Cochrane Task Exchange experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic. [Abstract]. Advances in Evidence Synthesis: Special Issue. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9 Suppl 1, 422,