Critical Care Helicopter Overtriage: A Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
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Implementation: The linchpin of Evidence-Based Practice Changes
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Patient, Nurse, and Organizational Factors That Influence Evidence-Based Fall Prevention for Hospitalized Oncology Patients: An Exploratory Study.
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Implementation Science: A Critical Strategy Necessary to Advance and Sustain Evidence-Based Practice.
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A leaders guide to implementing evidence-based practice: Lead the way to healthcare quality and safety.
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Professional issues in nursing : challenges & opportunities
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How Should Clinicians Engage With Online Health Information?
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Outcomes From the First Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare Invitational Expert Forum
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Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Advisement: A Roadmap for Faculty and Student Success.
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Data for Nurses: Understanding and Utilizing Data to Guide Care Delivery in Hospitals and Health Systems.
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