
Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare Offers the First Credentialing Programs: EBP Certificate and EBP Certification

The Institute of Medicine established a goal that by 2020, 90 percent of all healthcare decisions would be evidence-based. HealthExec reports that today, only 18% of clinical recommendations are based on current evidence (Livernois, 2017.)

To increase evidence-based decisions in healthcare, the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in Nursing and Healthcare at The Ohio State University College of Nursing launched the first globally recognized professional Evidence-based Practice Certificate and EBP Certification (EBP-C) programs.

The Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Credentialing Programs includes two distinct opportunities: 1) the EBP Certificate and 2) the EBP Certification. Click on the program links for more information.

EBP Certificate (certificate holder)

  • Accredited/ Magnet Designation
  • Knowledge-based (EBP Methodology & EBP Competencies 1-13)
  • Baccalaureate or higher education in EBP

EBP Certification (EBP-C)

  • Knowledge-based (EBP Methodology & EBP Competencies 1-24), and Role Delineation Study on EBP Mentor Role
  • Graduate-level education in EBP

Livernois, C. (2022, February 16). Only 18% of clinical recommendations are evidence-based. Health Exec.