Fuld Focus Webinars
Practice & Process Improvement: An Integrated Evidence-based Quality Model
Speaker(s): Lynn Gallagher-Ford, Lee Ann Strait
Date: 09/23/2023
EBP Certification: Recognizing Nursing and Interprofessional Expert Mentors in Evidence-Based Practice
Speaker(s): Cindy Beckett
Date: 09/09/2023
Bringing EBP to the World Through Virtual Global Classroom Initiatives: Bridging EBP Knowledge and Culture
Speaker(s): Cindy Zellefrow, Cindy Beckett, Pauline Anderson Johnson, Sherryon Gordon, Joyette Aiken
Date: 06/14/2023
Advancing Implementation & Care Coordination in Health & Social Service Systems
Speaker(s): Lisa A. Juckett, Alicia C. Bunger
Date: 05/11/2022
The Fuld National Institute for EBP's DNP Postdoctoral Fellowship: An Innovative Program Creating Opportunities for Growth
Speaker(s): Cindy Zellefrow, Cindy Beckett, Jenn Bodine, Michele Hasselblad, Lee Ann Strait
Date: 02/24/2022
The PRO-RES Project: PROmoting Ethics and Integrity in all Non-Medical RESearch - Ideas to Outcomes
Speaker(s): Ron Iphofen
Date: 07/28/2021
Publishing an EBP DNP Project - How to Get Started?
Speaker(s): Inga Zadvinskis, Jennifer Dean
Date: 04/01/2021
Navigating DNP education amidst COVID 19: A national conversation
Speaker(s): Bernadette Melnyk , Rick Garcia, Robyn Begley, Sharon Tucker , Cindy Zellefrow
Date: 10/06/2020
Evidence-based Updates on COVID-19 Special Topics The Importance of Prioritizing Self-Care - Evidence-based Strategies that Work
Speaker(s): Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, Sharon Tucker, Jacqueline Hoying
Date: 06/10/2020